

So this is me- Glenn Kaiser, blessed husband, father, grampy. I’m a pastor, chaplain, musician and just another bro. on the block trying to grow and be a gift rather than a curse to people I come into contact with.

I love screamin’ hot peppers and sauce, the real football -soccer-  (Chicago Fire, U.S. National Team and others), shooting and hunting, fishing. I have an addiction to Linux computer operating systems and cigarbox/found-object guitar building and playing. My go-to music as a listener and player is blues.

I live in an inner-city community in Uptown Chicago that has served the poor approaching 50 years.

We (JPUSA) include people of all kinds, cultures, strengths and weaknesses as part of our intentional, service-based fellowship. Art of all sorts flows out of us.

The Risen Christ is graciously present.

You can find a great deal more about me at the following links:




23 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Glenn. We met last summer when I came with a youth group from St. Paul. I am wondering what tuning you like to use for your 3-string cigar box guitars. (Like on “Live Your Life For a Change”)


    1. Well, C G C (from low to high) on Kaiser/Filiso Live for the song Live Your Life for a Change, though I did the same song on Cardboard Box in an A E A tuning. Really, I tune ’em all over the place depending on the box, the strings and my mood. Hope this isn’t too confusing! Have fun!! -Glenn


  2. Hi Glenn, I recently discovered your music and I’m really enjoying it! I was wondering if you knew of any other really good Christian blues rock artists that you would recommend. They certainly don’t get played on my local Christian radio if they exist. I’m pretty new to the current Christian music scene and just trying to find good quality music. I’ve always gotten into black gospel artists like Blind Willie Johnson and Rev. Gary Davis. Thanks!


    1. Hi Bill, thanks. So many out there and so many years… From both Delta bluesmen and women (see Siter Rosetta Tharpe, The Staples, Rev. Gary Davis, Blind Willie Johnson, some tunes by Blind Willie McTell, Leadbelly (Huddie Ledbetter), Son House and plenty more peeps. Church groups, “sacred steel” people using lap steel guitars or pedal-steel gits (Robert Randolph for example). Currently, Larry Howard, The Rev. Jimmy Bratcher, Crimson Blues Band (S.Fran. Bay area), Johnny Manion (San Diego). Check http”//www.christianblues.net as well.

      Think of all the ways you can search in YouTube, lots up there too, some only audio but a lot of video and live tunes with vid as well.

      Blessings, Hugs, -Glenn


  3. Is there any music from Charity still available? There is a particular song I’m looking for that had a reading of John 1 with a guitar punctuating each phrase. “In the beginning was the Word” (guitar here)… Does this sound familiar? I was 13-14 years old listening between 1973-74ish with a ratty old cassette tape someone made for me. I would so love to get a hold of this or any Charity songs again. Thank you.


    1. Hi Christie. bassist/guitarist Mark Shornstein wrote and played that one waaaaayyyy back in the day. Last I heard he was at an Ev. Covenant church in the Lafeyette, Indiana area. Sorry, that’s all I can tell you on this! Thanks, -Glenn


  4. Hi Glenn, this is somehow very interesting, because was just thinking of you today. So – I looked up and find out…today is your birthday. Some 32 years ago you held a powerful concert (resurrection band) in Zurich, Switzerland. At that night I started a new life. Some 9 years later I became a missionary and still are since 22 years, working with drug addicts and needy people. Thanks for beeing obedience and a blessing to me. Have a great day – Happy Birthday! Rolf


    1. Rolf, God BLESS and keep you, help you as you help others find and follow Him. Such amazing, truly amazing grace to be part of this eternal family because of Jesus. Thank you so much for writing my bro.,! -Glenn


  5. Hi Glenn is there by chance a tab book for guitar out on All My Days album. It is my Lifetime favorite worship album. I have gotten to share with a lot of friends. My favorite song would be Like A Little Child. Thanks for all you do!!


    1. Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m sorry to say we (Grrr Records) never published tab on any of our/my stuff that I’m aware of… but sometimes if you dig deep online you can find someone else did for this or that song. And I personally neither read nor write tab. So sorry Tracy! -Glenn


  6. My ten year old son Immanuel is a great fan of You and REZ. He wants to cover Lovespeak of Your album Civil Rites with his band. He is the bass player. Is there any possibility to get the cords form him? I told him, I try. Jörg Pieczewsky Germany


    1. Jörg, thank you for your kind words. So glad your son likes what we did! I am sorry to say, but we don’t have music, chord charts or tab for any of our music… 😦 Further, that particular song would be difficult for me to explain because the main riff is not only chord/s but also moving the E, then the A strings into several positions at the same time as holidng the chord shapes… complicated to explain, I’m sorry to say! -Glenn


    1. So sorry Wilfred! A great time, 2 shows in your sweet land! Well you can always see grrrrecords.com and also via my own page here at glennkaiser.com I try to keep up with the posts here and stay current. We don’t know when the band will be back over but hope to see you when 🙂 -Glenn


  7. Glenn, Rich here…dad, musician..my Navy buddy back on our 99-89′ cruise when we were out on a 6 month, let me listen to innocent blood, and I was deeply impacted. It’s funny how to this day, I still have strong feelings when I see the cover, and imagine what happened to that little girl. How you folks see what you do, and stay grounded & tender, I’ll never know. I just wanted to say a very, very long over due hello and thank you from Maine, USA. May God continue to bless you & yours..
    ps. your les paul tones are just completely tasty


    1. So very kind of you Rich, thank you. Looks like I’ll be in Maine later this year, will peost dates and details a good month prior both at glennkaiser.com and grrrrecords.com Well, the deal is one day at a time and focus on caring for folks as opposed to simply myself and my little, often quite petty, selfish world. Yes, there are plenty and incredible horrors in our world as per her. Sadly we often live only for today and not for eternity when all will be revealed, judged and the King will reign, not human demi-gods. Meanwhile, Micah 6.8 best as we can apply it!! -Glenn


  8. Hi Glenn,

    Do you happen to have a pdf edition of your book: “The Responsibility of the Christian Musician?”
    I would like to read it but it is not available in my country 😦

    Kind regards,



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